

My name (if you haven’t guessed by now) is Matt Hanson.  I am an arts critic and English teacher born and raised in Massachusetts, went to state schools in New York and Boston, and after many years in the Boston area I have recently moved to uptown New Orleans. This is what I sometimes look like in a Chinese restaurant at two in the morning.

I am a contributing editor at The Arts Fuse and American Purpose. I helped to guest edit the inaugural issue of Porlock New Poetry, I’m also half of the founding duo behind the award-nominated Arts Fuse Podcast. My writing has also appeared in The New Yorker, The Smart Set, The Baffler, The Guardian, The Millions3QuarksDaily,  The American Interest, The American Prospect, LA Review of Books, Rotten Tomatoes, Arts & Letters Daily, Aquarium Drunkard, Book and Film Globe, Rock & Roll GlobeThe Daily Beast, Harvard Review, Chicago Review of Books, Criterion Daily, The Washington Post, The Critic, Quillette, Where Y’At, LoveMoneyClothes’ culture blog, and the dearly departed Flak Magazine.  My poetry has appeared in Coelacanth Review, The Gihon River Review, Knot From Concentrate, and in chapbook form as Ekphrasis, from Rhinologic Press. I tweet at @MattHansonAF Drop me a line at